FIM devient Microsoft Identity Manager


Fin avril dernier, Microsoft annonce que sa solution “Forefront Identity Manager” va dorénavant se nommer Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM).

Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager fournit une gestion des identités en libre-service pour les utlisateurs, automatise la gestion du cycle de vie sur des plateformes hétérogènes pour les administrateurs et offre un cadre de règlementation puissant pour renforcer la stratégie de sécurité de l’entreprise.

La gamme “Forefront” de Microsoft disparait petit à petit avec leur volonté de sortir du marché de la sécurité. Ce changement de nom et la future roadmap ont été annoncés sur le blog “Microsoft server & cloud” :

Back in December we announced that we would be shipping the next version of Forefront Identity Manager in the first half of 2015.

Today we would like to provide an update with further details of this release, including our approach and the investments we are making to enhance our on-premises, private cloud and hybrid cloud identity management solutions.

Forefront Identity Manager helps your organization ensure users have appropriate access corporate information regardless of where it is located—in your datacenter or in the cloud, by providing self-service identity management, automated lifecycle management across heterogeneous platforms, a rich policy framework for enforcing security policies, and detailed audit capabilities.

Our approach to the next version of Identity Manager is guided by the following customer feedback and innovation goals:

  • Continue to address risks to critical assets, by enhancing and expanding the available protections for enterprise identity, ensuring the enterprise’s identity infrastructure is resilient to targeted attacks
  • Enable the mobile access scenarios that customers are looking to adopt and manage from a broad range of devices across on-premises and cloud services
  • Connect with Azure Active Directory to integrate with its features and extend the reach of enterprise identity to a range of Software-as-a-Service applications
  • Deliver easy-to-deploy end-to-end scenarios that complement investments in Windows, Office, Microsoft Azure, and Active Directory with end user self-service, delegation and configurable policies

We have three major investment areas for this release of Identity Manager:

  • Hybrid scenarios that leverage cloud-based services delivered in Microsoft Azure, including Multi-Factor Authentication, Azure Active Directory application integration, analytics and reporting
  • Support for the latest platforms and mobile devices with modern user interfaces
  • Improved security with additional controls, analytics and auditing of administrative and privileged user identities and their access to Active Directory, Windows Server and applications

As part of the next release, we will also move Identity Manager under the Microsoft brand, so this release will be known as Microsoft Identity Manager.  

More details will be available next month at the TechEd North America 2014 breakout session PCIT-B328, scheduled for May 14th at 5:00 PM US Central time. We will also have more to share and later in the year including timelines for preview programs and the release schedule.

If you have any further questions please contact your Microsoft or partner sales representative.

Les consultants et experts techniques SYNETIS conseillent et déploient la solution de gestion des identités et de le moteur de synchronisation Microsoft chez les clients qui ont choisi cette technologie. Nous effectuons une veille technologique pro-active et un accompagnement concernant les évolutions de ces produits.

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Consultant Sécurité