An Introduction and Deployment of “ITIM WebService 1.3.2” 3/3
The IBM® Security Identity Manager Web Services front end is an enablement customization to provide a web services based channel to communicate with the IBM Security Identity Manager.
Click on Next
Click Finish to deploy the application
Follow the installation status
Verify that the service is deployed as given below:
- Click on start to start the service.
- Test the service by clicking on the following link:
It should give you a jsp page with a login service.
After this deployment, we can verify the WSDL for each of the services, as given in the screen shots of an example of WSPersonService:
- Click on the link: http://localhost:9080/ITIMWebServices/services/WSPersonService?wsdl
Look at the WSDL generated as given below:
- You will get all the WSDL files under the folder given below in the installed location of the ITIM Webservice in windows:
Build Eclipse Environment for creating Java Clients
- Create a Java project in Eclipse by utilising the jar files given in the Client folder of the installed ITIM Web Service:
Click on Finish.
Right Click on the project and click on Build Path as shown below:
- Click on Add External Archieves
- Select all the jar files from the Clients folder:
Try creating class files using the sample codes given in this document. To have more sample codes, refer the file :
To have more sample codes, contact me at: