Training sessions
Number of participants
Overall level of satisfaction 90%

Training Center
Registered under number: 11755716275.
This registration does not imply government approval.

*General data for Synetis 2022 and 1st half 2023.

Why follow a training
in cybersecurity with Synetis ?

Faced with the current changes in the business world and the multitude of cyber risks that can paralyze activity, it’s vital to understand why and how to secure infrastructures.

Our courses are aimed at all audiences, according to each person’s expectations and skill levels.

Synetis has been certified since April 4, 2022
Qualiopi training organization

Our training modules in computer security.

Rates are per person and exclude taxes. Prices are for inter-company training on Synetis premises (external) and include breakfasts and lunches. For in-house projects, please contact us.

Online: December 2022
Update : July 2023

They have taken our training courses